(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)
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By Sunita Arora at 10:51 AM
I find this the most useful tool for young people seeking direction and looking for viable career[...]
By Anil Bhatia at 10:51 AM
This is an important and valuable approach to career assessment because identifying tasks that[...]
By Meena Mathur at 10:51 AM
I discovered that my top 3 strongest interests are; Social, Conventional and Artistic. My match[...]

Education-Training-Experience Profiler

Find career match to your Education, Training and Experience.

Every career has their specific requirement of education, training and experience. Explore your dream career matching with these requirements. [...]


Reliability & Validity
The Education-Training-Experience Profiler record your level of education, training and the experience.

Since every occupation has a defined requirement of education, training and experience level, you will get match of the best suited occupation across more than 15+ industry and 900+ occupations. The matching process help users identify the occupations that constitute a "strong" match with his or her level by scoring and rank-ordering career matches. User can explore each matched occupation including the career videos.[...]

Assessment + e-Counseling
  • Unlimited Online and PDF Report
  • 30 Minutes Telephonic Counseling
  • One Year Online Career Tools access
  • Money Back Guarantee !!

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