(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)
  • Users receive an accurate, reliable profile of their work-styles
  • The Work Style Profiler helps you find out what your personal characteristics are and how they relate to the world of work.
  • Takes you through 15 work-styles items and assists you in developing a profile of your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Translates your profile into career path recommendations.
  • Personalized feedback, including an analysis of skill gaps compared to a career
  • Explore in-depth descriptions of matching occupations
  • Provides a skylight to the whole world of work options via the 1000+ occupations
Recent Comments
By Sunita Arora at 10:51 AM
I find this the most useful tool for young people seeking direction and looking for viable career[...]
By Anil Bhatia at 10:51 AM
This is an important and valuable approach to career assessment because identifying tasks that[...]
By Meena Mathur at 10:51 AM
I discovered that my top 3 strongest interests are; Social, Conventional and Artistic. My match[...]

Work-style Profiler

Career Options to my work style
Match Your Dream Job With Your Work-styles.
Plan your future with work-style based self-assessment and career discovery.

Understanding of facts about the Work Style which is a personal characteristic that can affect how well someone does a job, helps individual to relate their current job - that is, the job you hold now or prospective job.[...]


career assessment method
Reliability & Validity

Your work style assessment score is analysed against the desired career profile. The score is matched against over 900+ career options and rank-ordering career matches. Outcome provide a skylight to over best occupations.

The Work Style Profiler measures in each of the 7 work style areas:

You need to select the importance level which is based on your work style to perform current or future job. The Level range indicates the degree, or point along a continuum, to which a particular work style is important to the performance of your current or future job. [...]

Assessment + e-Counseling
  • Unlimited Online and PDF Report
  • 30 Minutes Telephonic Counseling
  • One Year Online Career Tools access
  • Money Back Guarantee !!

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