(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)

After 10th -> Course Stream Selector

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Career Interests

Take Interest Assessment(60 questions)

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Interest Profile

career profile

System will Rank top 3 Holland's interest profile (RIASEC)

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aptitude test

Take Multiple-aptitude test (40 questions)

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after 10th course

Final score: 40% weightage to Aptitude + 60% weightage to Interest in descending order.

Course Stream

course stream

System will provide the details of course-stream in order of preference based on the analysis of Aptitude and Interest both.

The OCCU-Match(R)


The OCCU-Match provides additional information on skill requirements-including the importance of verbal, math, and science and technical skills. Students can use this information to get a better sense of their own preparedness to enter training programs.

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Career guide

career counselor

Discuss with you parent and career counsellor. The interpretation session are run under the guidance by trained Education Services Specialists or counselors.

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career report

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