(Career Asssessments, Exploration & Counselling)
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By Sunita Arora at 10:51 AM
I find this the most useful tool for young people seeking direction and looking for viable career[...]
By Anil Bhatia at 10:51 AM
This is an important and valuable approach to career assessment because identifying tasks that[...]
By Meena Mathur at 10:51 AM
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Career Analytics: KSA

Career with KSA
Analyze your gaps in Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Assess your knowledge, skills and abilities -> Compare with a career -> Find gaps -> Learn.

It is a self-assessment instrument created to assist people for analyzing the gaps compared to any dream career. [...]


Career Validity
Reliability & Validity
In each of the assessment, you exhibit the behaviors that are seen as essential for the job and they will be assessing your behaviors using the following criteria:

Knowledge - Do you have the knowledge necessary for the role? This will encompass: technical, procedural and organisational knowledge as well as knowledge of the market, your competitors etc.

Skill - Can you exhibit the necessary skills at the appropriate level during the assessment day? Skills include things like: written and verbal communication, negotiating ability, analytical ability, judgment, etc.

Ability - Do you have the capacity to perform the various tasks needed for a given job and includes both relevant knowledge and skills.

Assessment + e-Counseling
  • Unlimited Online and PDF Report
  • 30 Minutes Telephonic Counseling
  • One Year Online Career Tools access
  • Money Back Guarantee !!

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